On May10, 2017, Brazilians will have to endure the worldwide embarrassment of mobilizing an entire Division of the Brazilian Army for the testimony to be given by a drunk, semi-illiterate crook that has told Justice to “shove the trial papers up its ass.”
Proteção Garantida…
Guaranteed Protection…
The dog in the pictures is one of the Brazilian “supreme court” justices, who has just freed these two criminals. In Mr. Eike Batista’s case, it was even worse, because the justice’s wife works for the attorneys who represent Mr. (Eike) Batista. The “supreme court” justice had an obligation, by law, to declare himself completely unable to offer any judgement on that case. Mr. Jose Dirceu’s case is a shame. Convicted of several crimes in a 32-year sentence, he now can walk free again and continue to act criminally while the Car Wash investigation starts to go down the drain.
(Source: the internet)