In this video, I talk about how tragic it will be if the Brazilian Supreme Court justices decide to grant a preventive habeas corpus to Lula, the greatest thief Brazil (and certainly a good portion of the Western civilization) has ever known, besides reminding everyone that Brazil is running towards becoming a new Venezuela.
Percepção Extra-Sensorial? Claro que Não!
ESP? Of Course Not!
ROBERTO CAMPOS Festival (He would be 100 years old this year)
(1917-2001) Economist, Diplomat, Minister of Planning during one of Brazil’s authoritarian regime‘s administrations
“Socialism promised the paradise, but cannot guarantee the supply of toilet paper.”
Roberto Campos in November, 1989, kind of seeing what would happen with the current Bolivarian Venezuela.
Quem Escreve Para Quem?
Who writes for whom?
Dentro dessa expressiva demonstração de um forte espírito de colaboração que une a mediocridade latrino-americana, fica a pergunta:
É a Dilma que escreve o que o Maduro fala, ou é o Maduro que escreve o que a Dilma fala?
The picture above expresses the strong collaborative spirit that unites the latrin-american mediocrity. Therefore, it’s worth asking:
Is it Dilma writing what Maduro says… or Maduro writing what Dilma says?
(In the picture: — “The foreigners who attack us are from other countries.” Nicolás Maduro)
A Ameaça Militar da Venezuela Bolivariana
Bolivarian Venezuela’s military threat
Diante da iminente queda do desgoverno de Dilma, a Bonequinha de Luxo, Mulher-Sapiens, Rainha da Mandioca (são tantos os títulos honoríficos…) e do completo desaparecimento do PT como força política, surgem as ameaças de ação militar bolivariana em defesa da quadrilha atualmente instalada no Palácio do Planalto. O Blog do Lessa flagrou um treinamento do exército venezuelano, que se prepara para entrar em ação caso haja mudanças no comando da política brasileira.
Along with reports of the imminent demise of Dilma’s (the Hepburn from Hell, the Woman-Sapiens, the Cassava Queen — oh, so many honorary titles…) un-government and of the complete obliteration of the Workers Party as a viable political force, there are now threats of bolivarian military action to defend the criminal gang currently occupying the Planalto Palace. The Lessa Blog caught some Venezuelan military in training as they get ready to take action if, indeed, there are any real changes in Brazilian politics.