Aos Politicamente Corretos…
To the Politically Correct…


“Mexicans are a bunch of illiterate indians!”
If these words were from president Donald Trump you were going to publicly dump s*** on Paulista Avenue and write an enormously long text…
But since these words are from your beloved Che Guevara you’re going to pretend you never read it, right, you hypocrite?


Hora de Seguir em Frente
Time to move on


Lamento, sinceramente, que os dias pós-eleição presidencial nos EUA estejam tão conturbados. Mas não estou surpreso.
Na peleja eleitoral, achei que Hillary — que parece ter a bunda tão suja quanto seu rival, Donald Trump — era um mal menor. Torci por ela, votei nela. Ela perdeu, fim de linha. Fim de jogo. Trump vai governar pelos próximos 4 anos e os Democratas vão amargar a oposição. E… por que não estou surpreso?
A foto (retirada do site do jornal O Globo) que ilustra este post, de um jovem completamente desorientado na Quinta Avenida em NYC fazendo protesto contra a eleição de Trump, explica bem. Numa das mãos, ele segura um cartaz com a surrada frase-chavão da esquerdopatia: “o povo, unido, jamais será vencido”; na outra, um cartaz com uma frase do presidente (Republicano!) Theodore Roosevelt: “Patriotismo é ficar ao lado de seu país, não de seu presidente.”
Vejo que, neste momento, é hora de ficarmos ao lado dos EUA, sem nos importarmos com quem seja o presidente. É Trump? Que seja Trump. Fazer o quê? Manter os checks and balances “positivos e operantes”, de forma a não permitir qualquer deslize ou desatino do novo presidente. Só isso.
Hmmm… Vale lembrar que Teddy Roosevelt foi o mesmo que proferiu outra frase famosa, por sinal: “Fale manso, mas leve consigo um porrete bem grande. Você irá longe.”

I sincerely regret the troubled post-election days in the U.S., but I am not surprised.
During the campaign, I believed that Hillary Clinton — who seems to have her behind as dirty as Trump’s — was the lesser evil. I wanted her to win, I voted for her. She lost, and that’s the end of the (electoral) game. Trump will rule for the next 4 years and the Democrats will have to endure being in the opposition. And… why am I not surprised?
The picture above (borrowed from O Globo newspaper), that shows a completely disoriented young man on NYC’s Fifth Avenue demonstrating against Trump’s election, explains it well.
In one hand, he holds a poster with the leftists’s beaten cliché: “the people, united, will never be defeated”; the other hand holds a poster with words by (Republican!) Theodore Roosevelt: “Patriotism is standing by your country, not by your president.”
Therefore, it seems to me that right now is the perfect time to stand by the U.S., regardless of who the country’s president may be. Is it Trump? So be him, so be Trump. What to do? Maintain cheks and balances in full operation in order to avoid any foolishness, any misuse of power by the new president, that’s all.
Hmmm… It’s worth noting, by the way, that it was the same Teddy Roosevelt who said the famous words: “Speak softly and carry a big stick. You will go far.”
