Crie o Diálogo Para Esta Foto!
Create a Dialogue for This Picture!

(Crédito/Credit: Dida Sampaio/AE)

O Blog do Lessa quer a sua participação! Na foto acima, Alexandre de Morais, indicado pelo presidente Michel Temer para um assento no Supremo Tribunal Federal, pisca de maneira muito suspeita durante a audiência da Comissão de Constituição e Justiça para o senador Edson Lobão, figurinha carimbada, com um pé na cadeia. O que os dois estariam armando?

The Lessa Blog wants your help! The picture above shows Alexandre de Morais, president Michel Temer’s choice for a seat in the Brazilian Supreme Court, blinking very suspiciously during his Senate confirmation hearings to a certified crook, Constitution and Justice Commission’s President Edson Lobão, who’s almost ready to go to jail. What would they be setting up?


Nas Mídias Sociais…
On the Internet…

Former Brazilian House of Reps president (now jailed in Curitiba) is saying… “(expletive similar to I’ll be damned!) All I had to do was to tap my shoes and refuse to leave?” regarding the incredible Brazilian Supreme Court decision maintaining Renan Calheiros (a defendant at the STF) as president of Brazil’s Senate.
(source: Facebook, WhatsApp)
