Publicado em “O Antagonista”
Published by “The Antagonist”

O Blog do Lessa assina embaixo.

The text above lists the major wrongdoings of the Workers Party along the years and clearly shows who is trying to misguide and sabotage the country’s affairs. The Lessa Blog wholeheartedly agrees with those terms. Use this as an exercise in Brazilian Portuguese, so you can improve your translation skills.


“Um Filme de Terror Sem Fim”
“A horror movie with no end”

O jornal Financial Times, em sua edição de hoje, não perdoa. Publicou um duro editorial sobre a crise política e econômica no Brasil. Com o título “Recessão e corrupção: a crescente podridão no Brasil”, o texto diz com muita precisão que a “incompetência, arrogância e corrupção abalaram a magia” do país. A publicação diz que os recentes fatos levam o Brasil a ser comparado com um “filme de terror sem fim” e que, diante do risco de impeachment da presidente Dilma Rousseff, “tempos piores ainda podem estar por vir”. Leia a íntegra do editorial do FT, em inglês, clicando aqui.

The Financial Times newspaper is unforgiving. It has published a tough editorial on the political and economic crisis in Brazil. With the title “Recession and graft: the growing rot in Brazil”, the text says very accurately that “incompetence, arrogance and corruption have shattered Brazil’s magic spell.” The Financial times also says that recent facts led Brazil to be compared to a “horror movie with no end” and that, given the risk of president Dilma Roussef’s impeachment, “worse times are still to come for Brazil.” You can read the complete Financial Times editorial by clicking here.

