In this video, I talk about recent developments in our tropical House of Cards. Things are getting pretty nasty around here, and everyone seems to be losing their right perspective about what to feel, think or do regarding Michel Temer’s presidency. If you understand Brazilian Portuguese, have fun! 😉
A Petralhada Não Descansa…
The “Petralhas”* Won’t Give Up…
2017 has barely begun… and the Workers Party militants are feeling more outraged with Sao Paulo’s mayor Joao Doria dressing up as a street sweeper than with Minas Gerais’ governor Fernando Pimentel, from the Workers Party (of course!), being caugh on video while picking up his drunken son at a party using a government helicopter.
*”Petralha” is a derogative word widely used to describe any member of the Workers Party. It combines the words “petista” and “metralha”. The first is the usual description of a PT (Workers Party) member; the second relates to Disney characters Beagle Boys, or “Irmãos Metralha” in Brazilian Portuguese.
As Mentiras que a Petralhada Conta…
The lies told by the petralhas*…
Uma delas é essa… Os detalhes acima foram publicados na edição de 22 de agosto de 2015 do Jornal do Commercio, em Recife. Página 7, seção de Política.
One of them is this one, printed above. The details were discussed on the Aug. 22, 2015 issue of Recife’s “Jornal do Commercio”. The note was printed on page 7, Politics section.
On the news… “Lie about the More Doctors” — The federal administration is spreading an ad all over the country saying that in two years, the “More Doctors” program has cared for more than 63 million Brazilians. If this astounding number — roughly a third of Brazil’s population — is divided by the number of doctors in the program (14 thousand) and by the days and hours worked in that period, each professional has “seen” 9 thousand 375 patients per day, or… one every 9 seconds.
*”Petralhas – A socially acceptable derogatory word to describe the criminals and dumb-asses that disguise themselves as voters and elected officials under the Workers Party. In essence, everyone belonging to the PT.
A Prova da Alta IncomPeTência
Proof of high incomPeTence
A coluna Radar, do coleguinha Lauro Jardim, noticia que desde 2011 (início do desgoverno da Mulher-Sapiens) até o presente momento, houve um derretimento das ações da Petrobras. As ordinárias se desvalorizaram em 65% e as preferenciais se desvalorizaram em 60%. O valor de mercado da Petrobras, hoje em dia, é de 38 bilhões de dólares. Há cinco anos (setembro de 2010), a mesma Petrobras valia 270 bilhões de dólares. Você leu direito. Em apenas cinco anos, o desgoverno Petralha conseguiu reduzir o valor da Petrobrás em 86% — oitenta e seis por cento.
Essa é a prova cabal da alta comPeTência que essa quadrilha tem quando o assunto é “destruição”. A falência de uma lojinha que vendia badulaques a R$1,99, feito da “super-gerente” Dilma Rousseff, foi apenas um treino de aquecimento. Coisa fácil. Coisa de gente grande mesmo é quebrar uma Petrobrás. Parabéns, petralhas!
The Radar column from journalist Lauro Jardim informs that since 2011 (when the Woman-Sapiens’ un-government began) up to now, Petrobras stocks have melted. Common stocks have suffered a 65% devaluation; preferred stocks have devaluated 60%. Petrobras’ market value, today, is of 38 billion dollars. Five years ago (September, 2010), the same company was worth 270 billion dollars. Yes, you’ve read it right. In only five years, the petralha un-government has managed to reduce Petrobras’ value by 86% — eighty-six percent.
That is conclusive proof of the high skills that this gang has acquired along the years when “destruction” is the subject matter. The bankruptcy of a small shop which used to sell trinkets for R1,99 (around US$0.60), super-manager Dilma Rousseff’s feat, was just a warm-up. Easy stuff. A big time accomplishment is to bankrupt a Petrobras. Congratulations, petralhas!
Cortina de Fumaça
A reação da tropa de choque brancaleone montada pela Mulher-Sapiens Dilma Rousseff, após a demolidora divulgação dos detalhes iniciais da delação premiada do empreiteiro Ricardo Pessoa, não passa de uma patética cortina de fumaça. Edinho Silva e José Eduardo Cardozo tiveram tempo para pensar no que dizer, mas não conseguiram mais do que o seguinte: disseram que Pessoa mentiu e que, por isso, pode perder os benefícios da delação premiada. Entretanto, para desespero dos petralhas, há planilhas, recibos, documentos e vídeos que comprovam o que o dono da UTC afirmou aos investigadores da Lava-Jato.
After preliminary — and demolishing — details of the plea bargain documents offered by Mr. Ricardo Pessoa have been made public, the reaction offered by the pathetic storm troopers enlisted by Dilma Rousseff, the Woman-Sapiens, is nothng short of a smokescreen. Mr. Edinho Silva (minister in charge of public affairs and himself accused of taking a lot of money in the imbroglio) and Mr. José Eduardo Cardozo (Justice minister) had a lot of time to think about what to say, but were able to come up only with the following: they said that Mr. Pessoa lied and for that reason he may lose the privileges obtained with the plea bargain. However, for the petralhas’ desperation, there are spreadsheets, receipts, documents and even videos to prove all the accusations Mr. Pessoa has delievered so far during the “Car Wash” investigation.