I’ve spent all our money in nightclubs with women, booze, smokes, drugs and orgies!
I need you to cut some of our expenses: remove the kids from school, cancel our health plan, cut the spending with food…
Sergio Garschagen e a Ficção Orçamentária para 2016
Sergio Garschagen on the 2016 fiction budget
Os parlamentares que analisam a proposta de orçamento 2016 da Dilma estão espantados com a peça. Pura ficção, afirmam. Para eles o rombo anunciado, de $30 bilhões, é maquiado: o buraco deve ser da ordem de $60 bilhões, tantas as falhas encontradas. Eles querem devolver a “peça de ficção” mas o senador Renan Calheiros é contra. “Quem pariu Mateus que o embale”, disse Cássio Cunha Lima, um dos lideres da oposição que deseja devolver a peça mal formulada a Dilma.
The congressmen analyzing Dilma Rousseff’s 2016 budget proposal are astonished at the piece. Pure fiction, they say. For them, the 30 billion reais (approximately 10 billion dollars) deficit is unreal. It should be of at least 60 billion reais (around 20 billion dollars), given so many mistakes found so far. They want to send the “work of fiction” back to the Executive, but senator Renan Calheiros is against it. “You created the problem, now you fix it”, said senator Cassio Cunha Lima, one of the opposition leaders who want to send the poorly constructed piece of legislation to Dilma Rousseff.