A Sacada de DukeDuke’s Take April 18, 2017April 18, 2017 by admin •(TV): The United States and North Korea are one step away from the war!!! •(Viewer): I already know the reason: one has laughed at the other’s hairdo! +10
A Sacada de DukeDuke’s Take January 25, 2017 by admin In Brasilia, a flood of Odebrecht plea bargains opens up a season of terror! +10
A Sacada do DukeDuke’s Take January 7, 2017 by admin •Marcelo Aguiar, a federal congressman from Sao Paulo, introduces a bill against masturbation! •I think this guy can’t handle it very well! 00
A Sacada de DukeDuke’s take October 11, 2015 by admin (Woman): Not tonight! (Man): Headache? (Woman): Fiscal adjustment! 00
A Sacada de DukeDuke’s take July 14, 2015 by admin (Woman): And what is your health plan? (Man): My plan is not getting sick. I hope it works! 00