IT’S ABSURD! Thanks to the Brazilian Supreme Court, one of Brazil’s worst criminals is on the streets again!
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Os Ratos Já Abandonam o Navio…
The rats are already abandoning ship…
Dizem que os primeiros a abandonar o navio que afunda são os ratos. O rato da foto, assassino fugitivo italiano Cesare Battisti, refugiado no Brasil com o apoio expresso da organização criminosa com registro político (você sabe, os iguais se atraem e se ajudam), já percebeu que o mar não está para peixe. Com a iminente mudança de governo, uma das primeiras vítimas seria ele, enviado de volta à Itália. O que fazer? Casar-se com uma brasileira, no melhor estilo de criminosos famosos do passado, para garantir sua permanência no fazendão.
They say that when a ship is sinking, the rats are the first ones to abandon the vessel. The rat pictured above, Italian fugitive murderer Cesare Battisti, obtained asylum in Brazil fully supported by the criminal organization disguised as a political party (you know, equals attract and help themselves). Well, Mr. Battisti has already sensed that the tide is about to turn — even before the criminals currently in power. When that happens, he can become one of the first “victims”, being duly deported back to Italy to serve his long time prison sentence. What to do, then? Get married to a Brazilian, in a style set by other famous criminals of the past, to guarantee his residency in this huge farm.