Sergio Garschagen: Cuba, EUA e… Dilma
Sergio Garschagen: Cuba, USA and… Dilma

sergio_garschagenA bandeira cubana voltou a tremular nesta segunda-feira no Departamento de Estado americano, num gesto histórico que põe fim a décadas de hostilidades entre os dois rivais da Guerra Fria. O chanceler cubano, Bruno Rodríguez, comparece hoje, às 11h30min. (horário de Brasilia) à cerimônia de hasteamento da bandeira cubana pela primeira vez em 54 anos sobre uma mansão que voltará a ser a embaixada de Havana em Washington. John Kerry hasteará a bandeira norte-americana em visita a Havana, em agosto.
Para não ficar falando sozinha ou, no máximo reunida com os seus parceiros de diplomacia-anã (ditadores africanos, Bolivia, Argentina e Venezuela, se o Maduro a perdoar da “traição” do Itamaraty), Dilma tratou de fazer as pazes com Obama. Este colhe três vitórias estrondosas em seu mandato: a aprovação do Obama Care pelo Congresso, a reaproximação com Cuba e o acordo nuclear com o Irã. Dilma, por seu turno, colhe também três êxitos na politica interna nacional: aprovação de 8% dos brasileiros (um espanto ainda ter tudo isso!); a oposição de 2/3 dos congressistas (é o famoso e emulado programa “Dilma, take care!!”) e o desengate do criador Lula. A criatura ganhou asas e voa solo. Ela se aproximou do Obama mas não consegue mais o apoio do ladino Obrahma que, maldoso, mandou-a se aproximar do povo, que a apupa sempre.

The Cuban flag is again being displayed inside the U.S. State Department. It is a historical gesture ending decades of bickering between the two Cold War rivals. Cuban foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez attends today (11:30, Brasilia time) a flag-raising ceremony at a mansion that becomes the Cuban embassy in Washington for the first time in 54 years. John Kerry will do the same during a visit to Havana in August.
To avoid being left talking to herself — or at best gathered with its dwarf-diplomacy partners (African dictators, Bolivia, Argentina and Venezuela, if Maduro forgives the Itamaraty’s “betrayal”), Dilma made peace with Obama. Obama is harvesting three wondrous victories in his second term: Congress’ approval of Obamacare, normalizing relations with Cuba and the nuclear agreement with Iran. Dilma, on the other side, has also harvested three victories in domestic politics: an 8% approval by Brazilians (it’s amazing she still has all that!), the opposition of two-thirds of congressmen (it’s an emulation of the famous “Dilma, take care!” program) and the disengagement from her creator, Lula da Silva. The creature spread her wings and flies solo. She got close to Obama but she can’t get the support of wily Obrahma* who, mischievously, told her to get close to the people — the same people who are always booing her.
*”Obrahma” is a clever mix of words by Sergio Garschagen: he put “Obama” and one of Lula’s nicknames together. During the Car Wash investigation, it was learned that Lula was referred to as “Brahma” (a brand of beer, with a slogan that says it is #1 — an oblique explanation that he, Lula, is the number 1 criminal in the corrupt organization being investigated and prosecuted).
