O Sucesso Retumbante do Panelaço
Pot-banging’s striking success

As primeiras informações sobre o panelaço promovido há poucos minutos pelos cidadãos brasileiros em todo o território nacional foi um retumbante sucesso. Uma coisa, no entanto, chamou a atenção de todos os que registraram o evento: quando Dilma, a Mulher-Sapiens, e Lula, o Brahma, colocaram suas caras no vídeo, a intensidade do barulho aumentou consideravelmente. Agora, todos concentrados para a mega-manifestação do próximo dia 16, domingo.
O Blog do Lessa mais uma vez enfatiza a necessidade de que todos saiam de casa e compareçam aos locais designados. Essa manifestação está programada para ser maior do que todas as outras juntas.

The initial reports on the pot-banging event (“panelazo”) that took place a few minutes ago tonight in Brazil’s entire territory are that it was a striking success. One thing, however, was noticed by those who were in charge of reporting the event: when Dilma, the Woman-Sapiens and Lula, the “Brahma” (number 1 criminal) appeared on the screen, the noise intensity raised considerably. Now, everyone is focused on the mega-demonstration programmed for Sunday, August 16.
The Lessa Blog once again stressed the need for everyone to leave their homes and take part in the events at the designated areas in each city. This demonstration is set to be larger than all the previous ones combined.


Sergio Garschagen: Cuba, EUA e… Dilma
Sergio Garschagen: Cuba, USA and… Dilma

sergio_garschagenA bandeira cubana voltou a tremular nesta segunda-feira no Departamento de Estado americano, num gesto histórico que põe fim a décadas de hostilidades entre os dois rivais da Guerra Fria. O chanceler cubano, Bruno Rodríguez, comparece hoje, às 11h30min. (horário de Brasilia) à cerimônia de hasteamento da bandeira cubana pela primeira vez em 54 anos sobre uma mansão que voltará a ser a embaixada de Havana em Washington. John Kerry hasteará a bandeira norte-americana em visita a Havana, em agosto.
Para não ficar falando sozinha ou, no máximo reunida com os seus parceiros de diplomacia-anã (ditadores africanos, Bolivia, Argentina e Venezuela, se o Maduro a perdoar da “traição” do Itamaraty), Dilma tratou de fazer as pazes com Obama. Este colhe três vitórias estrondosas em seu mandato: a aprovação do Obama Care pelo Congresso, a reaproximação com Cuba e o acordo nuclear com o Irã. Dilma, por seu turno, colhe também três êxitos na politica interna nacional: aprovação de 8% dos brasileiros (um espanto ainda ter tudo isso!); a oposição de 2/3 dos congressistas (é o famoso e emulado programa “Dilma, take care!!”) e o desengate do criador Lula. A criatura ganhou asas e voa solo. Ela se aproximou do Obama mas não consegue mais o apoio do ladino Obrahma que, maldoso, mandou-a se aproximar do povo, que a apupa sempre.

The Cuban flag is again being displayed inside the U.S. State Department. It is a historical gesture ending decades of bickering between the two Cold War rivals. Cuban foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez attends today (11:30, Brasilia time) a flag-raising ceremony at a mansion that becomes the Cuban embassy in Washington for the first time in 54 years. John Kerry will do the same during a visit to Havana in August.
To avoid being left talking to herself — or at best gathered with its dwarf-diplomacy partners (African dictators, Bolivia, Argentina and Venezuela, if Maduro forgives the Itamaraty’s “betrayal”), Dilma made peace with Obama. Obama is harvesting three wondrous victories in his second term: Congress’ approval of Obamacare, normalizing relations with Cuba and the nuclear agreement with Iran. Dilma, on the other side, has also harvested three victories in domestic politics: an 8% approval by Brazilians (it’s amazing she still has all that!), the opposition of two-thirds of congressmen (it’s an emulation of the famous “Dilma, take care!” program) and the disengagement from her creator, Lula da Silva. The creature spread her wings and flies solo. She got close to Obama but she can’t get the support of wily Obrahma* who, mischievously, told her to get close to the people — the same people who are always booing her.
*”Obrahma” is a clever mix of words by Sergio Garschagen: he put “Obama” and one of Lula’s nicknames together. During the Car Wash investigation, it was learned that Lula was referred to as “Brahma” (a brand of beer, with a slogan that says it is #1 — an oblique explanation that he, Lula, is the number 1 criminal in the corrupt organization being investigated and prosecuted).


Fim de Festa?
End of the party?


A foto registra um recente encontro do Barba X9 — o Brahma — com os fora-da-lei do MTST. Como se vê, a falta de entusiasmo do Brahma é visível (será que ele estaria com medo de a polícia chegar e prendê-lo?), ou então vai ver que ele estava mesmo era bêbado e nem se lembra de terem tirado essa foto dele, como de costume…

This is a picture of a recent meeting of Lula da Silva (a.k.a. “Beard”, “X9” or “Brahma”) with the MTST* outlaws. As anyone can see, Brahma’s enthusiasm is sorely missing (was he afraid of the police coming to arrest him?) or he was indeed really drunk and can’t even remember this picture was taken…
*MTST is the outlawed — but tolerated by the criminal gang currently ruling Brazil — Workers Without a Roof Movement.


É apenas um caso de polícia
It’s just a police case


Não se deixe enganar. Não há nada de “político” na Operação Lava-Jato. O caso é de polícia, sem tirar nem por. A esta altura, os três meliantes da foto acima e o resto da quadrilha deveriam estar presos.

Don’t get fooled. There is nothing “political” about the “Car Wash” operation. It is a police case, fair and square. Right now, the three criminals pictured above and the rest of the gang should be in jail.
(Headline under the O Globo photo: “It is necessary to face Car Wash politically, says Lula”)


PT x PT, ou… Bandido contra Bandido
PT x PT, or… criminal versus criminal


O Blog do Lessa acrescenta que as pedaladas continuam em 2015, desafiando frontalmente a LRF.

The story above, published by Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, indicates that former president Lula da Silva, a.k.a. Brahma, personally encouraged the TCU (federal accounting office) minister in charge of analyzing Dilma Rousseff’s numbers to go on the record against the so called “pedaladas fiscais” (a term used to describe the criminal scheme set up by Dilma’s team where the payments to be disbursed by the Treasury were being actually paid by official banks, like Banco do Brasil and Caixa Economica Federal, in express violation of the Fiscal Responsibility Act). Lula’s action occurred at the same time he started to openly criticize his protegé’s administration. The Folha de S.Paulo newspaper reports that Lula told TCU minister Jose Mucio Monteiro, a close ally, he thought it was reasonable that the TCU requested additional explanation regarding the fiscal maneuvers. As described above, public banks use their own resources to make payments for the administration, which is illegal. Tha Lula-Mucio talks occurred when the minister’s vote, criticizing the delay in transfers from the Treasury to the banks, was already written. According to some reports, Lula said that this “would give the president a scare”. Mucio’s vote concluded that the fiscal maneuvers by former Finance minister Guido Mantega’s team in 2013 and 2014 caused harm to the Fiscal Responsibility Act.
The Lessa Blog adds that the illegal maneuvers have continued unabated throughout 2015, challenging the Fiscal Responsibility Act. In the next weeks, it is expected that TCU formally decides against the maneuvers, opening the door for Rousseff’s impeachment proceedings in Congress.


Pobre Joaquim Levy…
Poor Joaquim Levy…

Vamos retomar os trabalhos no Blog do Lessa com música. Esse vídeo-galhofa sobre as trapalhadas de Joaquim Levy só é menos engraçado do que as trapalhadas que ele mesmo protagoniza, tentando ajudar o desgoverno petralha de Devassa Rousseff, a amiguinha do Brahma.

We resume our work at the Lessa Blog with music. This screwy video about Joaquim Levy’s screw-ups is only less funny than Levy’s  screw-ups themselves, while trying to help Dilma “Devassa” Rousseff’s un-government. As you know, Devassa is Brahma’s closest friend…
