É Só o Comecinho…
It’s Only Just Begun…

Easy, petista*
Triplex** / Villa / Odebrecht / Petrobras / BNDES (List of legal proceedings against former president Lula da Silva)
The pole has not gone in completely yet… 😉

*Workers Party member
**Lula has been convicted on the legal proceedings regarding the triplex apartment


Sandro Vaia e a Espontaneidade
Sandro Vaia on spontaneity

A “espontânea manifestação” das Margaridas no estádio Mané Garrincha custou 400 mil da Caixa Econômica Federal, 400 mil do BNDES e 55 mil da Itaipu Binacional.

The Daisies’ March, a “spontaneous demonstration” in Brasilia at the Mané Garrincha stadium cost Caixa Economica Federal 400 thousand reais, plus 400 thousand reais from BNDES and 55 thousand reais from Itaipu Binational.

