Tomara que “O Antagonista” Esteja Certo!
Let’s Hope “The Antagonist” is Right!

O post abaixo foi publicado no excelente site O Antagonista. O Blog do Lessa torce para que a notícia seja confirmada em breve, e que vejamos essa dupla criminosa atrás das grades logo, logo.

The post above has been published by the well-informed Brazilian site “O Antagonista” (The Antagonist). The Lessa Blog fervently wishes this information is confirmed soon in order to have this criminal duo behind bars as early as possible.
It reads: “The U.S. will call for the imprisonment of Lula and Dilma” — Officials from the United States are going to ask that “Brazilian Official 1” and “Brazilian Official 2″ be jailed. Lula and Dilma Rousseff are finished.”


Já Perdeu Seu Emprego?…
Have you lost your job yet?…

A pergunta foi feita pelo site O Antagonista, e com razão. O Brasil cortou 157.905 vagas de trabalho com carteira assinada em julho, segundo dados do Caged. É o pior resultado desde julho de 1992.

The question was asked by the O Antagonista site, and with good reason. Brazil has lost 157,905 certified jobs in July, according to Caged data. Caged is the acronym for the National Registry of Employed and Unemployed. It is the worst result since July, 1992.


A Sacada de @RaulFranca1
@RaulFranca1’s take

“Não vamos estabelecer uma meta para o tempo de prisão do Zé Dirceu. E quando atingirmos essa meta a gente dobra a meta”.

“Let’s not set a target for José Dirceu’s time in prison. When we reach that target, we double the target.”
(This is a spoof on Dilma Rousseff’s stupid thought expressed in public a few days ago.)
