Alexis Tsipras deu o braço a torcer. Bravateou até onde pôde mas no final esgotaram-se suas fichas e sua coragem. É de extrema-esquerda mas optou por permanecer na Comunidade Europeia, que é capitalista liberal. Poderia ter tentado implantar um regime socialista na Grécia. Mas não tentou porque sabe que não daria certo. Sabe que em todas as experiências tentadas no mundo o socialismo fracassou – e terminou como farsa ou como tragédia (em alguns casos, como a URSS de Stalin, a China da Revolução Cultural e o Camboja de Pol Pot, terminou como genocídio). Acabou assinando um acordo no qual dizia não acreditar “para evitar o pior”. O pior teria sido sair da Comunidade, ele sabe muito bem. Esgotada a fase das bravatas, deu-se conta: fora da Europa capitalista liberal havia apenas o vazio.
Resta saber se agora vai governar com responsabilidade.
Alexis Tsipras has allowed his arm to be twisted. His bravado lasted up to a point, but at the end his chips and his courage were gone. He is extreme-left but he chose to stay in the liberal, capitalist European Union. He could have tried to set a socialist regime in Greece. He didn’t do it, though, because he knows it would not have worked. He knows that all the attempted socialism experiences have failed worldwide. Socialism has ended as a farce or as a tragedy (in some cases, like Stalin’s USSR, China’s Cultural Revolution and Pol Pot’s Camboja, it has ended in genocide). Tsipras ended up signing an agreement he said he did not believe in “to avoid the worst.” The worst would have been leaving the EU, and he knows that very well. The bravado phase being finished, his vision was clear: outside the liberal, capitalist Europe, there would be only emptiness.
Now all that is left to know is if he is going to govern responsibly.