Renato Riella e o Crime Democratizado
Renato Riella and Democratized Crime

A empregada doméstica combinou o salário de R$ 1.300. Quando finalmente trouxe a Carteira Profissional, exigiu que fosse assinada com apenas R$ 788,00. Disse que queria receber o resto por fora. E explicou: “Ganho Bolsa-Família. Se tiver salário em valor acima do mínimo perco o benefício.”
Tem também aquela da secretária-telefonista, que levou quase três meses recebendo o salário de R$ 1.500 por recibo comum.Quando decidiu trazer a Carteira Profissional para assinar o contrato, explicou com naturalidade: “Nesses três meses, não podia assinar a Carteira, porque ainda estava recebendo o Seguro-Desemprego do outro emprego.
E tem também aquela do Zédirceu. Mas esta vou ficar devendo a vocês, pois ele ainda não me confessou nenhum crime. Desculpem a nossa falha!

The live-in maid negotiated a salary of 1,300 reais (around 410 dollars) with a family. When she finally brought the “professional card” to have her employment registered in writing, she demanded the registered salary to be of only 788 reais (around 245 dollars). She said she wanted to get the rest of the money “out of the books”. She explained: “I get the “Bolsa Familia” (government’s “Family Allowance”). If I get a salary above the minumim salary currently established, I lose the benefit.”
There’s also that one from the secretary/telephone operator who took some three months being paid a salary of 1,500 reais (around 470 dollars) and just signing a receipt for it. When she decided to bring her “professional card” to have the employment registered in writing, she explained with no embarrassment: “During these last three months, I couldn’t have the card signed because I was collecting unemployment insurance from the other job I used to have.”
And there’s another one from José Dirceu. But I will have to hold on to this one, because he hasn’t confessed to any crime yet. Sorry!


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